Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An early Valentines Day post

I never thought someone like me would have such great friends, i'm not saying it's because i am a horrible person because in all honesty, i am just very shy. I am just saying i don't know what i did to find the people i have now. My mom always told me when your in your sophomore year in college you will come into your own and find your friends. My freshmen year was overall very difficult because my heath at the time was extremely low and any chance of meeting new people was washed away by sleeping sixteen hours a day. It was already the first week and i knew this was going to end as Jenna the sick girl. emo girl and the sick girl  are two names i have known most of my schooling life. It is a brand i am so accustomed to which is why i cannot just turn over a new leaf and am paralyzed by shyness. If people knew me they would know all i want to be is Jenna : not the sick girl . just Jenna, not recognized for her gaunt figure, pale complexion and exhausted eyes  but Jenna a girl known for her character and what she does for others. I have come into my own where yes its still a battle but i have some of the best friends a girl could ask for i realise though i am thousands of miles away from them they are so dear to my heart and impact my every essence of being. 
My original postings took place during a dark time of my semester sometimes i let the darkness in so deep within my heart  i forget how much light my friends provide to distinguish it. This valentines day i am not looking for an i love you  and all the other commercialism that comes along with the holiday  (yes i will admit i am a cynic until someone proves me otherwise) rather i want to celebrate my greatest relationship of all the relationship with my dearest friends so Happy Valentines Day to you all it has been almost 2-3 years now and  i am so thankful you came into my life. Thank you for loving the girl often overlooked and seeing someone who is not a sob story but someone with a huge heart <3 

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